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BASIC Source File
267 lines
Option Explicit
Global Const WM_USER = &H400
' Global Variables
'Global Filename$ ' Current file to examine
Global crlf$
Global active%
Declare Function SendMessage& Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd%, ByVal wMsg%, ByVal wParam%, lParam As Any)
Global Const SRCCOPY = &HCC0020
'flags for painting
Dim loading%
'general purpose
Dim i%, r%
x As Integer
y As Integer
End Type
Left As Integer
Top As Integer
right As Integer
bottom As Integer
End Type
Type boxsize
Width As Integer
Height As Integer
End Type
Type twipdata
'scaling constants for each instance
x As Integer 'twips/per/pixelx - depends on parent's scale mode
y As Integer 'twips/per/pixely
bx As Integer 'width of nonclient in twips
by As Integer 'height of nonclient
End Type
'===========structure to hold the size data===========
Type TabData
'control 'properties' - set by caller
num As Integer 'num of Page()'s
active As Integer 'active Page()
'orient As Integer 'up = 0, down = 1
cols As Integer 'horz# of tabs
Left As Integer 'control left in twips
Top As Integer 'control top in twips
offset As Integer 'tab angle
'optional 'properties' - set by caller for sizable windows
minwidth As Integer 'based on size of captions
minheight As Integer 'user-defined
Width As Integer 'width of whole control
Height As Integer 'height of whole control
'optional properties for 'nonaligned' controls
insetx As Integer
insety As Integer
'calculated by DefineControl()
rows As Integer '# of tabs horiz
box As boxsize 'tabbox
tab As boxsize 'invbox
'twips or pixels,depending on scalemode of parent:
t As twipdata
'pixels, used by graphic routines:
End Type
Declare Function BitBlt% Lib "GDI" (ByVal hDestDC%, ByVal x%, ByVal y%, ByVal nWidth%, ByVal nHeight%, ByVal hSrcDC%, ByVal XSrc%, ByVal YSrc%, ByVal dwRop&)
Declare Sub ClientToScreen Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd%, lpPoint As POINTAPI)
Declare Sub GetClientRect Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd%, lpRect As RECT)
Declare Function GetParent% Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd%)
Declare Function GetWindowLong& Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd%, ByVal nIndex%)
Declare Sub GetWindowRect Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd%, lpRect As RECT)
Sub DefineControl (f As Form, tbox As Control, ibox As Control, page0 As Control, tb As TabData)
Dim pageleft%, pagetop%, pageheight%, pagewidth%'in pixels
Dim w%, h% 'in twips
Dim theight%, pheight% 'in scalemode of container
loading = -1
Debug.Print "=========new run================"
zGetScaleData f, tbox, tb
'===initialize structure with size of the control======
tb.offset = 4
tb.rows = tb.num \ tb.cols + 1
'---set height of invbox & tabbox based on textsize
tb.tab.Height = (tbox.TextHeight("X") + tb.offset)
tb.box.Height = tb.tab.Height * tb.rows
' add 2 pixels to boxheight for 'focus' lines
theight% = (tb.box.Height + 2) * tb.t.x
'---set an integral pixel width for invbox & tabbox
pagewidth = page0.Width \ tb.t.x
tb.tab.Width = (pagewidth + (2 * tb.insetx \ tb.t.x)) \ tb.cols
tb.box.Width = tb.tab.Width * tb.cols
tb.Width = tb.box.Width * tb.t.x
'--- Calculate size of Page() height & inset---------------
'use page0 to set control and form height
pageheight = page0.Height \ tb.t.y
tb.insetx = (tb.Width - page0.Width) \ 2
pheight% = page0.Height + 2 * tb.insety
'----height of entire control-----
tb.Height = theight% + pheight%
'===position it all=======
pageleft = tb.Left + tb.insetx
pagetop = tb.Top + tb.insety + theight%
'---size page0
page0.Move pageleft, pagetop, pagewidth * tb.t.x, pageheight * tb.t.y
tbox.Move tb.Left, tb.Top, tb.Width, theight%
'----Draw the constant elements-----
DrawTabs ibox, tbox, tb
'----resize the form
w = tb.Width + tb.t.bx: h = tb.Height + tb.t.by
If tb.t.x = 1 Then
w = w * screen.TwipsPerPixelX
h = h * screen.TwipsPerPixelY
End If
f.Move f.Left, f.Top, w, h
End Sub
Sub DrawTabs (ibox As Control, tbox As Control, tb As TabData)
Debug.Print "Entering DrawTabs------------"
'called by DefineControl
Dim box As RECT
Dim off% 'inset for angled line
Dim x%, y%, res%
ibox.Move 0, 0, tb.tab.Width, tb.tab.Height
'set color and scale
box.right = ibox.ScaleWidth - 1
off = 4
box.bottom = ibox.ScaleHeight
' Draw black lines
ibox.Line (0, off)-(off, 0) 'angle
ibox.Line -(box.right - off - 1, 0)
ibox.Line (box.right - off - 1, 0)-(box.right, off + 1) 'angle
ibox.Line (box.right, 0)-(box.right, box.bottom) 'box.right
' Draw white/grey lines
ibox.Line (0, box.bottom)-(0, off + 1), QBColor(15) 'box.left
ibox.Line -(off, 1), QBColor(15) 'angle
ibox.Line -(box.right - off - 1, 1), QBColor(15) 'top
ibox.Line -(box.right - 1, off + 1), QBColor(8) 'angle
ibox.Line -(box.right - 1, box.bottom), QBColor(8) 'right
ibox.Line (0, 0)-(0, off), QBColor(15)
ibox.Line (box.right, 0)-(box.right, off)
ibox.Line (box.right - 1, 0)-(box.right - 1, off), QBColor(8)
'add some grey for the background
ibox.Line (0, 0)-(0, off), QBColor(8)
ibox.Line (1, 0)-(1, off - 1), QBColor(8)
ibox.Line (2, 0)-(2, off - 2), QBColor(8)
ibox.Line (box.right, 0)-(box.right, off + 1), QBColor(8)
ibox.Line (box.right - 1, 0)-(box.right - 1, off), QBColor(8)
ibox.Line (box.right - 2, 0)-(box.right - 2, off - 1), QBColor(8)
ibox.Line (box.right - 3, 0)-(box.right - 3, off - 2), QBColor(8)
ibox.PSet (3, 0), QBColor(8)
ibox.PSet (box.right - 4, 0), QBColor(8)
'blit to the row
tbox.Visible = 0
tbox.AutoRedraw = -1
y = 0
For x = 0 To tb.cols - 1
res = BitBlt(tbox.hDC, x * tb.tab.Width, y * tb.tab.Height, tb.tab.Width, tb.tab.Height, ibox.hDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY)
tbox.Visible = -1
tbox.AutoRedraw = 0
End Sub
Sub DrawText (tbox As Control, captions$(), tb As TabData)
'called by tbox_paint
'draws tab captions and focus line
Dim s$
Dim txtw%, y1%, y2%
Dim x%, y%, inner%, outer%, theight%, cell%
Debug.Print "Entering DrawText---------"
cell = 0
y = 0'tb.box.Height - tb.tab.Height
For x = 0 To tb.num * tb.tab.Width Step tb.tab.Width
If cell = tb.active Then tbox.FontBold = -1 Else tbox.FontBold = 0
s$ = captions(cell)
txtw = tbox.TextWidth(s$)
tbox.CurrentX = x + (tb.tab.Width - txtw) \ 2
tbox.CurrentY = y + tb.offset \ 2
tbox.Print s$
cell = cell + 1
' draw a blank line underneath the selected tab
inner = 15
y1 = tbox.ScaleHeight - 1: y2 = tbox.ScaleHeight - 2
'solid line
tbox.Line (0, y1)-(tbox.ScaleWidth, y1), QBColor(inner)
tbox.Line (0, y2)-(tbox.ScaleWidth, y2)
'focus line
x = (tb.active Mod tb.cols) * tb.tab.Width
tbox.Line (x + 1, y1)-(x + tb.tab.Width - 2, y1), tbox.BackColor
tbox.Line (x + 1, y2)-(x + tb.tab.Width - 1, y2), tbox.BackColor
tbox.PSet (x, y1), QBColor(15)
tbox.PSet (x, y2), QBColor(15)
'tbox.ZOrder 0
End Sub
Sub TabClick (Button%, x As Single, y As Single, tbox As Control, captions$(), tb As TabData)
'called by tbox_MouseUp
Dim hpos%, vpos%
Dim activerow%, thisrow%, row%, n%
activerow = 0
hpos = x \ tb.tab.Width '=0,1,2...
vpos = y \ tb.tab.Height
vpos = tb.rows - vpos - 1
vpos = vpos + activerow
If vpos >= tb.rows Then
vpos = vpos - (tb.rows)
End If
n = (vpos * tb.cols) + hpos
'blank tabs:
If n < 0 Or n > tb.num Then Exit Sub
tb.active = n
DrawText tbox, captions(), tb
End Sub
Private Sub zGetScaleData (f As Form, tbox As Control, tb As TabData)
'called by DefineControl
Dim containerhwnd%
Dim win As RECT, client As RECT
'adjustment for scalemode of the form
tb.t.x = screen.TwipsPerPixelX
tb.t.y = screen.TwipsPerPixelY
containerhwnd% = GetParent(tbox.hWnd)
If containerhwnd% = f.hWnd Then
If f.ScaleMode = 3 Then tb.t.x = 1: tb.t.y = 1